The design of birth

Birth is designed to dissolve and reassemble a woman into a mother. It's one of the biggest initiations into power we will ever experience. When this unfolds as designed, the woman meets her inner shadow, her perceived limitations of body and soul, and blasts through them as she brings life into the world.

When a mother and child experience an ecstatic and powerful birth experience, their brains become wired to expect pleasure, freedom, success and so much more. When we see the level of coercion in maternity services it is clear to me that this design for birth does not suit those higher up.

Women on a birth high can move mountains for their children, will stand up to injustice, will have a sense of personal power that cannot be bullied out of them. They will raise their children to think for themselves.

Children who are not born afraid will not submit to anything that does not respect their humanity and innate sense of goodness and deservingness to exist.

What would it serve any of the patriarchal institutions to allow this to happen?

This is why you will only see lip service paid to the rate of interventions and birth trauma. It serves a purpose. That purpose is to weaken women and mothers and thus children, making a population that is compliant and subservient. It's a colonisation tactic older than we can imagine.

There was a time when this rite of passage commanded the highest respect for it's ability to transform a woman into a mother.

We remember.

Closing the Bones

Closing the Bones restores energetic integrity to the new mother. Ancient cultures would have understood that the physical act of opening your body would have left you open energetically too.

This is why you see in postpartum traditions from around the world, the mother is kept safe, she is protected, fed nourishing foods and her womb wrapped until she is ready to rejoin her community but this time as an honoured mother.

You also see a glimpse of this in the bible, where women are segregated but the reason given for this is being "unclean". People used to believe that the new mother was vulnerable to demons, I believe this is to do with the susceptibility to negative influences and perceptions when you are fresh out of the birth portal.

Closing the Bones brings completion to the birth journey. The mother has everything the baby had - she is rocked, swaddled, sung to. She is gently massaged. Then she remains in a liminal space, processing and integrating her journey to becoming a mother until she is ready to emerge from her cocoon.

Women cry, laugh, have profound realisations. Women who are energetically sensitive really enjoy having their vitality restored to them in this space.

Once we have restored the integrity of the energy centres the woman is able to move forward with greater discernment as she mothers her child and the whole world.

It's never too late to give yourself what you wish you would have had. We are always postpartum and it's my pleasure to offer this ceremony no matter how long ago you had a baby.

Every woman is her own oracle

Within every woman is her own inner oracle and sacred space.

When we live from the womb we live life from the bottom up, knowing our deepest wisdom comes from our centre and not from our "rational minds".

Everything that wishes to be birthed from the heart comes from the energetic womb, every woman's direct connection to the cosmic womb and the mysteries of creation.

As a womb guide I delight in women remembering they have always had all the answers within them, a well of wisdom that they can revisit again and again. I'm not here to have all the answers, I am here to guide you back to your own inner knowing.

I've been guiding women for ten years now through the mysteries of the womb, their birth and motherhood journey, healing from trauma and abuse and reclaiming their joy and sovereignty over their own lives. You can work with me through my online courses, virtual shamanic womb healing, or in-person at my cosy hearth in South Wales.

You can also learn how to become your own oracle at my womb healing workshop on 26th October. There are a couple of spaces left ❤️