Birth is designed to dissolve and reassemble a woman into a mother. It's one of the biggest initiations into power we will ever experience. When this unfolds as designed, the woman meets her inner shadow, her perceived limitations of body and soul, and blasts through them as she brings life into the world.
When a mother and child experience an ecstatic and powerful birth experience, their brains become wired to expect pleasure, freedom, success and so much more. When we see the level of coercion in maternity services it is clear to me that this design for birth does not suit those higher up.
Women on a birth high can move mountains for their children, will stand up to injustice, will have a sense of personal power that cannot be bullied out of them. They will raise their children to think for themselves.
Children who are not born afraid will not submit to anything that does not respect their humanity and innate sense of goodness and deservingness to exist.
What would it serve any of the patriarchal institutions to allow this to happen?
This is why you will only see lip service paid to the rate of interventions and birth trauma. It serves a purpose. That purpose is to weaken women and mothers and thus children, making a population that is compliant and subservient. It's a colonisation tactic older than we can imagine.
There was a time when this rite of passage commanded the highest respect for it's ability to transform a woman into a mother.
We remember.