Sacred Womb Journeys - Womb wisdom, cyclical living, meditation & blood mysteries course.


Sacred Womb Journeys - Womb wisdom, cyclical living, meditation & blood mysteries course.


Become your own oracle and womb healer

Heal past initiations of the womb

Birth the desires of your heart

A treasure trove of meditations, journeys, movements and so much more
To heal the womb and connect to the womb consciousness
A journey through reclamation, healing and wholeness

Experience womb healing with me from your own home

Did you know that your womb is where you get your inspiration, your creativity, and your love for life? Over time, living as a woman in the modern world, we can become disconnected from our heart and our sacred centre. For self-protection, we disassociate from the womb and our desire and our joy. In these sacred womb journeys I will guide you through reawakening your feminine essence, leading to deeper embodiment as a woman, healing past initiations of the womb and creating the life of your dreams.

Through meditations to open your heart and stir your feminine creativity, drum journeys to heal past woundings. and guidance in cultivating sacred practices such as the heart-womb river, womb yoga and yoni steaming so that you are led by your womb in all areas of your life.

The course is pre-recorded and go at your own pace, so once you have purchased it you can log in and access the educational material, meditations, journeys & practices at any time.

 You can experience the journeys as integrated videos or mp3s to download and keep on your device.

Your womb is a mystery school

Course content:

  • The Blood Mysteries & Moon Cycles - the original design of menstruation and how our cycles connect to the moon, the two cycle archetypes, ancient beliefs surrounding menstruation

  • Returning to Womb Consciousness - learn two womb mudras and a daily hip-opener to rediscover where true wisdom comes from

  • Introduction to cyclical living - connect to the four archetypal energies of the menstrual cycle and use them to enrich your life, receive wisdom from the womb and manifest your desires

  • Into the Womb - gentle guided meditation into womb consciousness

  • The Motherline - connecting to our red thread as a portal to womb awakening, learn two devotional practices to heal your womb through the Motherline and learn how to find your way around the womb using your red thread

  • Awaken the Heart-Womb River Visualisation - two step practice to open communication between the heart and the womb, to receive messages of wisdom and love, and manifest your heart’s desires through the womb

  • The Womb-Spiral Vortex Visualisation - sacred practice for clearing the womb of unwanted energy and magnetising your desires to the womb. This is a powerful energy healing practice I use with my one to one clients

  • Open Your Heart Meditation - release blocks around giving and receiving love

  • Womb Clearing Drum Journey - enter womb consciousness and surrender unwanted energies in your womb to the divine mother to receive her healing

  • Sacred Menstruation Drum Journey - to be listened to during your menstrual cycle, to reconnect with the original design of menstruation, as you shed the month for yourself and loved ones and experience rebirth. Supports a conscious menstruation practice to release energy through the blood.

  • Womb Yoga Routine & Tantric Breathing Technique - channel and move womb energy through your body with yoga and breathwork - 30 minutes of video content

  • Waking Shakti Meditation - stir the cauldron of the womb and awaken your goddess energy

  • Reclaim Your Menarche Meditation - revisit the blood mystery of first menstruation and reclaim this rite of passage for your maiden self

  • Reclaim Your Placenta Meditation - return to this early initiation to heal the mother wound and ground yourself in the earth mother

  • Womb butterfly visualisation - gentle visualisation to connect to the butterfly of the pelvis

  • Womb & Third Eye Lotus flower activation - visualisation to connect the powerful twin oracles of womb and third eye

  • Womb Sovereignty Drum Journey - cathartic journey into womb consciousness to claim your sovereign space

  • Pelvic Bowl Alchemy - journalling exercise to plant seeds of desire in your womb garden

  • FREE! Access included to the yoni steaming mini course
    Yoni steaming how-to’s
    Home setup suggestions
    Herbal suggestions
    Two Meditations for steaming:
    1. Sensual awakening of the first three womb gates
    2. To connect to the womb oracle

    Interested? Contact me to try the first meditation for free at
    You may also be interested in the
    meditation library

“I also want to say that your course is incredibly potent! I began bleeding this morning and I am overjoyed! First time for that!"
- client feedback

Frequently asked questions

"Can I do this course if I no longer have a physical womb or no longer bleed?"
I have often been asked if this course is suitable for women without wombs or who are no longer bleeding and yes absolutely it is! We still have an energetic womb that can store memories, trauma and that incredible creative potential. When we are discussing moon cycles and cyclical living, I would suggest you pick which moon cycle resonates with you.

"Is this a womb healer practitioner training?"
No, this is not a facilitator training and is intended for personal use only. However, the womb mysteries are universal and a lot of women's health professionals, yoga teachers, reiki practitioners and shamanic practitioners take this course to deepen their understanding of the womb mysteries to enable them to better support the women they work with. Please do not share the journeys or meditations within the course, I would encourage you to integrate the teachings and create your own way of sharing this wisdom.

"How long will the course take to complete?"
When I originally created the course in a different format it was designed to be completed in six weeks. However, it has grown and evolved since then in keeping with the womb healing spiral which is not a linear journey but takes us round and round, deeper and deeper. Women benefit most from the course when they revisit the journeys time and time again as part of their womb care practice. The course is also updated occasionally with new content and I send out email updates when I add new journeys or visualisations, so please opt in to my email list when you checkout to receive the updates.

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Your Womb Guide

Jenny is a women’s mysteries guide with ten years experience

of teaching and holding space for women through birth, motherhood and womb healing. As a shamanic practitioner, women experience profound connection to their wombs and hearts during work together.,

As a healer, Jenny has been initiated many times through the womb and it’s her life path to bring back the treasures she finds and share them with other women.

Jenny believes if every woman returned to womb consciousness and viewed herself as the living altar that she is, balance would be restored and we would experience heaven on earth.

take a deep dive into the womb mysteries with my online course The Medicine Wheel of the Womb

The Medicine Wheel of the Womb is my structured course in womb energetics. In this online course we will journey together through the seven activation points of the womb and yoni, uncover their mysteries and awaken our potent creative potential.

This course takes you deeper in the womb mysteries than anything I have ever released before. Find out more below:

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