Closing The Bones South Wales, Cardiff, Bridgend, Pontypridd, SWansea

An ancient postpartum wrapping ritual

Closing the Bones is a postnatal ceremony that can be done on any woman who has given birth to a baby and wants healing and closure, as well as enjoy a gentle massage using scarves to encourage total body relaxation.

Women would have done this for each other in community after their babies were born to seal the energy centres and honour the rite of passage their sister had just experienced.

Women after birth may deeply desire to be held physically and emotionally in loving presence, to tell their story and to find beauty and meaning in their maiden to mother transformation.

Closing the Bones can also be a gentle and healing way to honour pregnancy loss.

A profound and emotional experience for women, no matter how long ago they gave birth

Firstly we will sit together and talk about your birth and motherhood journey. Then I will use scarves to gently rock and wrap your body from head to toe to give that feeling of being held and safe in a cocoon. Using essential oils I will perform a gentle massage of the womb and stomach.

You will then relax and contemplate, resting between the important and life-changing tasks of birthing and caring for your baby, taking time for yourself to just be.

This is a really profound and emotional experience for a woman, whether your birth was six weeks ago or 20 years ago.

More about Closing the Bones

Closing the Bones restores energetic integrity to the new mother. Ancient cultures would have understood that the physical act of opening your body would have left you open energetically too.

This is why you see in postpartum traditions from around the world, the mother is kept safe, she is protected, fed nourishing foods and her womb wrapped until she is ready to rejoin her community but this time as an honoured mother.

You also see a glimpse of this in the bible, where women are segregated but the reason given for this is being "unclean". People used to believe that the new mother was vulnerable to demons, I believe this is to do with the susceptibility to negative influences and perceptions when you are fresh out of the birth portal.

Closing the Bones brings completion to the birth journey. The mother has everything the baby had - she is rocked, swaddled, sung to. She is gently massaged. Then she remains in a liminal space, processing and integrating her journey to becoming a mother until she is ready to emerge from her cocoon.

Women cry, laugh, have profound realisations. Women who are energetically sensitive really enjoy having their vitality restored to them in this space.

Once we have restored the integrity of the energy centres the woman is able to move forward with greater discernment as she mothers her child and the whole world.

It's never too late to give yourself what you wish you would have had. We are always postpartum and it's my pleasure to offer this ceremony no matter how long ago you had a baby.


Jenny is one of the kindest souls I’ve crossed paths with. Her calming nature instantly puts you at ease and makes you feel like you’ve known her for a lifetime. Jenny carried out the closing of the bones ceremony for me to help with closure and healing after several losses. I’ve taken so much from this and continue to feel lighter and more at peace as time goes by. So much thanks to give to Jenny and the safe space she gave me.
Thank you so much Jenny for such a warm welcome to your lovely home this morning. I was so excited for my Closing the Bones ceremony and you exceeded my expectations. I have felt dreamy, happy and restored since your wonderful work. You are so good at what you do, we’re lucky to have you in our community. Thank you for all your wisdom and kindness ❤️
You performed Closing of the Bones on me last December in Dartmoor, it was such a profound and loving experience, it allowed me to release so much emotion, which I needed to move on. That night my period came on really heavily while I slept, around a week early, my body really responded to the ceremony, as well as my spirit. So grateful to have been held in that space by such a wonderful healer.

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