Closing The Bones South Wales, Cardiff, Bridgend, Pontypridd, SWansea
More about Closing the Bones
Closing the Bones restores energetic integrity to the new mother. Ancient cultures would have understood that the physical act of opening your body would have left you open energetically too.
This is why you see in postpartum traditions from around the world, the mother is kept safe, she is protected, fed nourishing foods and her womb wrapped until she is ready to rejoin her community but this time as an honoured mother.
You also see a glimpse of this in the bible, where women are segregated but the reason given for this is being "unclean". People used to believe that the new mother was vulnerable to demons, I believe this is to do with the susceptibility to negative influences and perceptions when you are fresh out of the birth portal.
Closing the Bones brings completion to the birth journey. The mother has everything the baby had - she is rocked, swaddled, sung to. She is gently massaged. Then she remains in a liminal space, processing and integrating her journey to becoming a mother until she is ready to emerge from her cocoon.
Women cry, laugh, have profound realisations. Women who are energetically sensitive really enjoy having their vitality restored to them in this space.
Once we have restored the integrity of the energy centres the woman is able to move forward with greater discernment as she mothers her child and the whole world.
It's never too late to give yourself what you wish you would have had. We are always postpartum and it's my pleasure to offer this ceremony no matter how long ago you had a baby.
Closing the Bones post-hysterectomy
This ceremony is a beautiful, healing and integrative way of nurturing a woman after she has experienced a hysterectomy. Women may feel shocked by the sudden loss of the physical womb, and may experience feelings of grief and a perceived loss of femininity. There may also be healing needed surrounding the pain and trauma in the physical womb that led to it’s removal. Closing the Bones honours the journey of the physical womb and restores a woman’s energetic integrity after the surgical procedure, allowing her to release her attachment to the physical womb, as she becomes more open to the insights from the energetic womb that remains.