The Medicine Wheel Of The Womb Online Course


The Medicine Wheel Of The Womb Online Course


I am inviting you into the sacred mystery
of the awakened womb

Learn the secrets of the womb priestesses and oracles

In this online course we will journey together through the seven activation points of the womb and yoni, uncover their mysteries and awaken our potent creative potential.

This course takes you deeper in the blood and womb mysteries than anything I have ever released before.

What does the course contain?

Upon purchase, you will get access to the video course integrated into my website. This contains:

  • Instructional video about the Medicine Wheel of the Womb

  • Seven drum journeys taking you deep into the womb and into each point on the wheel (3.5 hours of journeying total) 

  • Instructional video with connective practices for each activation point and anatomical correspondence

  • Learn how womb energetics influence the body, the blood mysteries and women’s initiations

  • Printable colouring page of The Medicine Wheel Of the Womb

  • Women's plant allies for each grail gate and guidance on how to become your own plant medicine healer as they support you to activate and integrate the energies of each gate

  • Additional video and educational material: The First Three Gates and True Sexual Response in Women - sacred sexuality practices for cosmic sexual experiences and energy exchange

    Like all my virtual womb offerings, this course is designed to be returned to again and again to uncover more knowledge and wisdom as you move through your healing spiral.

You can experience the journeys as integrated videos or mp3s to download and keep on your device.

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For wild women

who yearn to dance like maidens, love like sacred oracles, swim like selkies and fly like herons. For women who yearn to tend their inner hearths and stoke the fire of their wildest dreams.

your womb is a mystery school.

Each grail gate will awaken you to your unique womb gifts and power.

It’s time to claim your birthright.

For each grail gate, I will take you on a drum journey deep into the womb to receive the activation and blessings of the energy centre.

We will walk with the maiden and reclaim her rite of passage, birth in ecstasy with the mother, receive a potent gift from the crone we had long thought lost to us. We will move through the elements of the womb uncovering past lives, visit the cosmic gateway that birthed us, unleash our shakti fire and become sacred chalice bearers of the grail mysteries.

What is the medicine wheel of the womb?

The medicine wheel of the womb is the energetic blueprint that corresponds to the physical anatomy of a woman’s body. Much like the chakra system, each energy centre or grail gate holds experiences, emotions, archetypal energies and past life woundings and achievements. The state of each energy centre may also correspond to physical symptoms in the womb or yoni.

The work of a womb oracle is to activate these centres into an awakened womb state to birth love through the womb portal.
Together we will uncover the treasures and wisdom that have always been within you.

Snapshot of the course, recorded at my hearth in the Welsh countryside

Your womb guide

Jenny is a women’s mysteries guide with ten years experience

of teaching and holding space for women through birth, motherhood and womb healing. As a shamanic practitioner, women experience profound connection to their wombs and hearts during work together.,

As a healer, Jenny has been initiated many times through the womb and it’s her life path to bring back the treasures she finds and share them with other women.

Jenny believes if every woman returned to womb consciousness and viewed herself as the living altar that she is, balance would be restored and we would experience heaven on earth.

Frequently Asked Questions

“Is this a womb healer practitioner training?”

No, this is not a facilitator training and is intended for personal use only. However, the womb mysteries are universal and a lot of women's health professionals, yoga teachers, reiki practitioners and shamanic practitioners take this course to deepen their understanding of the womb mysteries to enable them to better support the women they work with. Please do not share the journeys or videos within the course, I would encourage you to integrate the teachings and create your own way of sharing this wisdom.

"Can I do this course if I no longer have a physical womb or no longer bleed?”

Yes, this course is ideal for women whose physical womb is no longer in the body. In my experience, the most sensitive womb oracles often have experienced the most physical suffering, sometimes to an extent that they need a hysterectomy. That means their energetic womb is a potent treasure trove to explore, discover, heal, integrate, create and birth. This course is also suitable for women who are in their cronehood as they heal past feminine initiations and discover the energy centres of the womb and the power they now hold within them.

”How long will this course take to complete?”

There is around five hours of video content to move through, but as you discover more about the Medicine Wheel of the Womb you will realise that womb energetics are always shifting and changing, so as you move deeper on your healing spiral you may feel drawn to revisit some of the instructional videos and journeys to uncover further wisdom.

”What are drum journeys?”

Drum journeys, also known as shamanic journeys, use the shamanic drum to produce an irregular beat which creates an altered state of consciousness for the person experiencing the journey. Through this altered state we can access womb consciousness with ease - the beat reminds us of our own experience of being a baby in the womb and our last experience of true union within a womb. In my work with women I have found the drum journey to be the most effective way of communicating with the womb and experiencing powerful transformations. With the drum we are easily able to access other timelines and lifetimes. As modern women we often have busy minds and find it difficult to relax and shut off - the drum beat takes up space in the head for us to relax and surrender. Drum journeys mean we don’t need to work on and develop a meditation practice before we can find healing. I will use the drum and my voice to guide you through the womb, through an experience of the energy centre, and then back to regular consciousness again.

The Medicine Wheel of the Womb © Jenny Wren, The Women's Witch

All rights reserved.

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