Your womb is a mystery school. Your own inner universe that holds all the answers to all your questions. Your own sacred place of initiation that will take you through the cycles of death and rebirth. A place for things to die, for things to be composted, to grow anew. The womb holds the secrets of creation.
As we move deeper into womb consciousness, we become less reliant on guidance from others, less interested in consuming information, because the womb already knows. She speaks only the truth, if we are brave enough to listen.
The bottomless well that we can return to for sustenance again and again.
The only mystery school you will ever need.
It is my delight to guide women back to the womb - through my virtual one to ones, women's healing retreat days, shamanic womb healing and ceremony, as well as my workshops and online courses.
Every woman is a living altar.
Every woman is her own oracle.
Every woman deserves to be witnessed and cherished in loving space.