It feels like everybody is so obsessed with womb clearing

And nobody is talking about keeping something in the womb to hold power over it.

Womb clearing is important as the womb is often used as the "junk drawer" of the world. Much like we get rid of anything we don't want to deal with by sticking it in landfill, anything people don't want to deal with gets projected onto wombs and women.

Anything our partners don't want to confront within themselves they may try to offload into the womb for us to carry for them.

Sometimes this can physically manifest as painful womb symptoms.

But for me, when coming to my own womb clearing journey after sexual trauma, there came a time where, in the moment, I had to use discernment with the clearing. I intuitively knew that keeping some things in the womb meant I kept power over them. That holding this energy in my womb meant I had control over what unfolded next.

When we reclaim our womb power we also claim power over anything that resides in the womb - whether it lives or dies.

There is a reason why, in folk magic, women have been known to use menstrual blood in a man's coffee as a potent love potion.

There's a reason why, to make something yours, you simply need to bleed on it.

There is a reason why the sage Kaleshwar says "if loved properly, a woman's womb chakra can help a king literally win an empire, but if he has caused harm or heartbreak it can create a 'kind of little tsunami' and can lead to a man's downfall"

So yes, womb clearing, but with discernment. Led by intuition always. The earth has vulnerability and incredible power to restore the balance. So do you.

The womb and the drum belong together

The womb and the drum belong together.

Last night I held a womb healing session for one of my returning clients, and soon after the beat began we were drawn into the sleepy, honey dream world of the womb.

It isn't always this way, but for the woman who has grown comfortable with journeying she slips into womb consciousness and takes me with her.

When I work one to one with women, you can get a sense of where they are in their journey. Much like the sacred triangle of the birth space - mother, partner, doula. In womb healing we have the woman, the healer and the drum. The drum responds to moments of hesitation, cathartic releases, it can support them to move through difficult feelings that may arise.

Drumming is and has always been a woman's modality and we need it now more than ever. As our brains take in more information every day than they ever have. We don't need to develop a meditation practice before we can find healing.

The drumbeat fills the busy mind so the spirit and the body can find respite and receive messages from the womb. Messages from the lineage of our motherline, from lives past, as Perdita Finn calls it "the long story of our soul".

We are brought back into womb consciousness like the baby hearing the rushing of the mother's blood, the inflating of her lungs, her heartbeat.

I offer my shamanic womb healing sessions virtually and you are also able to access my online courses Sacred Womb Journeys and The Medicine Wheel of the Womb.

Menstrual traditions and wellbeing

Did you know that women's makeup and fashion are derived from menstruation traditions? Have you ever wondered why humans are one of the few species where the female is more beautiful than the male?

Ancient society was structured around the needs of bleeding women, in direct opposition to what we experience today. And yet women are bleeding with more frequency and longer duration than ever, due to our better diets and less time spent pregnant and breastfeeding.

This is incredibly potent - as our cycles of creation and shedding come with greater frequency.

We long for ritualised menstruation because it is a huge part of our collective consciousness. When women give themselves permission to just be with the shedding, their spiritual, physical and emotional wellbeing significantly improves.

We used to understand that how a woman was treated during her bleed had impact on the whole culture. For primitive societies they thought interrupting, looking at or touching the woman would bring a natural disaster. This is a natural step in the process of understanding the devastating impacts of women's physiology not being respected.

For a woman emerging from her bleeding time, elaborate makeup and clothes would be used in celebration to signal her completion of the ritual and that she was now considered "safe". Like the new moon emerging from the period of three days darkness, which was also celebrated.

This is where the feminine desire for adornment comes from, from this seclusion and emergence ritual that naturally echoes the moon cycle.