Shamanic Womb Healing
Shamanic Womb Healing
Powerful, connective & life-changing journeys to access and embody womb consciousness
I offer one to one sessions for women, both virtually and in-person, of shamanic drumming and journeying to access deep states of womb consciousness, clear blockages and heal past initiations.
Together we will journey to the womb to discover what messages of power and love she has for you.
The journeys I offer are;
❤️ The First Three Grail Gates Of The Womb Activation (Maiden, Mother & Crone)
As part of the journey I also offer the 13th Rite of the Womb to restore the original blueprint of love to the womb space, and also guidance on embodying the wisdom further.
❤️Motherline Healing - healing for the maternal line
❤️ Womb Clearing - reclaim sovereignty over your sacred space by removing any unwelcome energies and restoring energetic integrity
These are unique journeys that I have developed through my work with the Medicine Wheel of the Womb and guiding women through initiatory experiences.
You can also experience womb healing with me through my pre-recorded journeys in The Medicine Wheel of the Womb and Sacred Womb Journeys.
Please get in touch if you would like guidance on which journey might be right for you. I usually suggest women experience them in the order listed above.
Your Womb Guide
Jenny is a women’s mysteries guide with ten years experience
of teaching and holding space for women through birth, motherhood and womb healing. As a shamanic practitioner, women experience profound connection to their wombs and hearts during work together.,
As a healer, Jenny has been initiated many times through the womb and it’s her life path to bring back the treasures she finds and share them with other women.
Jenny believes if every woman returned to womb consciousness and viewed herself as the living altar that she is, balance would be restored and we would experience heaven on earth.
🌹 Womb Healing for Conception
I am often asked about womb healing for conception and I am honoured to be invited into such a tender space with you. I am not able to tell you whether or not you will conceive after our womb work together. My role as a practitioner is to create a space for you to enter into a dialogue with your womb and receive her messages and I will support you to continue this practice at home to increase your connection to your innate wisdom as a woman.
Listening to the womb means trusting her voice when she says no, or not right now, or shares what you need to birth into the world first.
It can be the case that the journey to conceive leads to a journey into womb awakening led by the soul of your baby - this process could be a requirement for them coming to earth, especially if they are a highly evolved soul. Or it can be the case that the womb awakening and healing is the journey itself and leads you somewhere else.