1st February 2025 - Shamanic Womb Healing Workshop


1st February 2025 - Shamanic Womb Healing Workshop


Your womb healing journey starts here. A day of sisterhood and womancraft in a beautiful rural setting just outside Cardiff.

If you desire to connect more with your body, your womb and hear the whispers and guidance she has for you, release fear and blockages and begin wombanifesting your heart's desires, this workshop is for you.

Reclaim your sacred space.

What we will do

Opening circle with sharing of womb stories (as much as you feel comfortable sharing) with like-minded women in a non judgemental space

⋆ Receive womb keys that activate your remembrance of the holy womb

Breath work, movement and mudras to connect with the womb

Gentle womb yoga sequence to awaken the cauldron within and send desires from the heart to the womb

Meditation to connect to the heart-womb river

Drum journey moving through the grail gates of the womb and healing feminine initiations

Receiving of the 13th Rite Of The Womb healing transmission and guidance on how to embody it deeper over the next thirteen moons

Learn three womb medicine songs

Learn about plant allies to support womb health

Handout to take home and ways to integrate what you've learned

£45 per person

Maximum six spaces

Takes place at my home just outside Cardiff, please PM me for exact location

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I attended the shamanic womb wisdom workshop with Jenny and a small group of ladies. Jenny is warm, welcoming and genuine, and created a space that felt utterly safe, secure and sacred. I felt our group rising together in femine power as we unfurled and journeyed together and with our ancestral mothers. An incredible afternoon that every woman should try: you will feel held, seen and loved. I can’t wait to go back and experience another journey with Jenny.
— client testimonial

Your womb guide

Jenny is a women’s mysteries guide with ten years experience of teaching and holding space for women through birth, motherhood and womb healing. As a shamanic practitioner, women experience profound connection to their wombs and hearts during work together.

As a healer, Jenny has been initiated many times through the womb and it’s her life path to bring back the treasures she finds and share them with other women.

Jenny believes if every woman returned to womb consciousness and viewed herself as the living altar that she is, balance would be restored and we would experience heaven on earth.