World Breastfeeding Week 2020

I've been thinking about what I want to share for World Breastfeeding Week and I couldn't decide what sentiments or photos would be just right so these are my thoughts from this afternoon.

I have been breastfeeding for 5 of the last 7 years, two separate children. It is without a doubt for me a lifestyle rather than a feeding choice. I choose to meet their suckling needs solely with breastfeeding.

It has meant everything to me. It has made me love my body in a whole new way. It has given me confidence and competence as a mother. It has enabled me to go further, do more, with this anchor of nourishment and comfort always available.

My first journey was retrospectively the easiest. Although I did not know what I was doing as a first time mum, we managed to get through jaundice-related sleepiness with cup feeding and quickly overcame the early setbacks to feed for 2.5 years. I initiated the weaning for many reasons, which I later regretted.

My second journey was the hardest. My daughter had tongue tie and I developed something called D-MER which is where you dissociate and get panic attacks when the milk lets down. I cannot share why. For months when she was awake she would only feed like this upright in the sling, we adapted, it was hard. I coslept with her and breastfed her on a single mattress in a women's aid refuge for nearly six months. I am convinced if I had not already successfully fed my first child I would have given up. But it was not an option, I was not prepared to consider any alternative. It got easier, her latch has never improved, I decided I wanted to stop earlier this year but chose to carry on during the pandemic as breastfeeding is so important for the immune system and now I'm so glad I did. We are still going strong at nearly 3. (As an aside I cannot recommend highly enough my dear friend Lisa of Women Are Amazing for breastfeeding support. She is an absolute angel.) Breastfeeding is something that is so intrinsic to our humanity and our womanhood, which is why it becomes so emotive... and our society is not set up to facilitate it. I would say society has a vested interest in preventing it, for what could be less productive to the capitalist mentality than a woman sat feeding a baby all day? What if women loved it so much they never went back to "normal" at all? This is why we need to celebrate it because it does become a new way of living. It requires bravery and self-confidence. Breastfeeding is a sacrifice and a joy. It becomes going against the grain, especially after your baby is a few months old. It is a deep acknowledgement of the emotional, tactile and nourishment needs of small humans in a society that is desperate to prove mothers and mothering can be replaced by anybody. This week is for you mamas. I see you.



Raising Pagan children does not have to be complicated... we treated ourselves today to our favourite bread each for Lughnasadh and had a picnic in the garden with apples.

My son does not want to join in with rituals but my daughter was quite happy repeating lines after me as we honoured Lugh. How the masculine and feminine come together to create abundance.

We all got out the play food and talked about where our food comes from, the hard work that goes into harvesting it, and made different combinations of meals for each other.

Then we sang

"The earth is our mother

We honour her always

The earth us our mother

We honour her always



We honour her always



We honour her always."

Have a blessed day xxx


Dark Nights

A few nights ago I dreamed a dark man was chasing me again. I have this dream a lot. I try to call the police and the numbers don't work on my phone.

I try to run but my legs are so heavy and he is catching me up. He says he only wants me to love him but he is so aggressive, so persistent, so frightening, this doesn't feel like love.

I lash out, I beg, I plead. He wants my essence. He sees himself as a victim of my power. He doesn't listen to me.

Another man, a kind one that I recognise, is making a room beautiful for me and stringing up fairylights. I am not allowed to stay because I am being chased, and there is another woman there who I must lie and hide from.

I don't want this kind man to know how I am always on the run, this shadow of shame and fear that chases me from within and without. So I hide from him too. I hide from the woman who makes me feel dirty and ashamed for being human.

And afterwards I sat down in safety, surrounded by people who were sympathetic, safety in numbers, in the group, only to realise I had bled all down my legs.

I thought "it can't be my cycle, it's not the right time". But there was the blood and everybody was staring at me. They had thought that I needed saving from the darkness and now my blood was everywhere, exposing my power.

They were horrified.

I woke and I was bleeding. I'd crossed over the first gate in the night early again.

Being called to release more often, more frequently, renewing, reclaiming--

Then more nightmares.

A man in a shroud. It is my fault. Shouting and yelling. Uncovering. Discovering.

Over the coming days feeling more calm and balanced than I've felt in a long time, feeling nourished from within, able to meet my own needs, seeing things with so much clarity.

What an incredible time.

What is the night revealing to you?
