Within every woman is an all-seeing eye, that passes unseen in a crowd like an old hooded crone, yet sees all. This eye holds the wisdom of all the women who have come before her, right back to the very first woman. Deep within her womb, at the gateway, a woman's wild instinct remains intact beneath all the layers of gaslighting and conditioning.
Every month a menstruating woman journeys with the Crone wisdom of the cervix, the premenstrual phase as the cervix prepares to open and release what is ready to die. This phase reveals everything that we have been unwilling to see, everything that has become intolerable and unaligned with truth. If there has been trauma or violation, this phase can become extreme, a destabilising fixation to journey further to death, desiring to escape completely.
We must be connected to our inner wild wisdom to allow a baby to pass through our cervix, to experience shamanic states of menstruation, and Crone comes into her full power when we experience the rite of passage of menopause.
When this is held, when the woman is allowed to die to herself and be reborn, the cervix is no longer used for the life processes of menstruation and birth, the woman becomes an embodied oracle of Truth (as hard as that truth may be to hear!)
Through our womb work, we become skilled at allowing the wisdom of what our inner Eye sees to rise up and be expressed.
You can journey with the Crone and the other energetic gates of the womb in my new course The Medicine Wheel of the Womb.