One of the most common questions I get asked is how do you continue a spiritual practice after the birth of a child? What changes? Where previously there may have been time for meditation, retreats, solo adventures, now the woman shifts into the deeper devotional spiritual practice of the mother.
The very act of tethering brings you closer to god. When you serve at the altar of the child, everything is simplified. I often say, you can scrub floors in a monastery or you can stay home and become a mother. Both powerfully increase your capacity for love through service.
When you become a mother you learn the true meaning of prayer. The physical limitations of caring for a child increases the limitless capacity of the soul and the reliance on invisible helpers. The perception of the numinous expands with motherhood as you feel a profound connection to all those who have birthed, and the cosmic womb that births all our souls.
Motherhood is devotion to life itself. The belief that life is good, that life should continue, that the adventure of the soul in a human experience is worth undertaking and can be of good to the world.
Many women find after ecstatic birth experiences that their capacity for pleasure increases tenfold, and the opening of the womb and yoni through birth means their creative power flows stronger than it ever has before.
The opening of the heart through devotional mothering and breastfeeding means that the woman has become a powerful creatrix, as her ability to desire, conceive and birth becomes effortless. Manifestations come through quicker, and her desires unfold before her eyes.