Women Who Encapsulate their Placena

Women who choose placenta encapsulation... I love them!

I love this aspect of my work so much and the way it brings me in touch with so many different kinds of women.

Women who from the outside could not be more different... but all sharing something, a certain look in their eye maybe.

I cannot even begin to explain the way I view my placenta work, not just in terms of the nutritional and hormonal benefits, but as something much more sacred.

Just as the baby is connected and nourished by their placenta, so are we held and loved by the earth. She who gives life also consumes it. And therefore placenta consumption reflects this beautiful cycle of birth/death/rebirth, as in nature, where nothing is ever wasted.

When you use your placenta you are participating in deep feminine wisdom, the wisdom of the earth, your inheritance and your power.

That is what all these women have in common. They have been called by that wisdom. And that's why I love serving them 🙏