Last year one of my doula clients had a dream about me and her and queen Anne's lace... what could it mean, she asked?
This was around the same time I took a decisive step on my plant path, when I asked my husband to choose a pendant for me from Flower and Fable to be my ally going forward... He chose the Queen.
I've long believed this plant to be a witch herb, one of it's folk names being "mother die", as the story goes your mother will die if you bring it into the house. Folklorists suggest that this is because it sheds all over the house and will make your mother cross. Perhaps they don't know that women used to eat the seeds to prevent an embryo implanting when they did not wish to become pregnant. What if your mother had been caught with this plant in her home hundreds of years ago? The Queen has long had women's best interests at heart...
As a flower essence she balances the sexual centres. Like the Moon card in the Tarot, we have our animal impulses and our connection to something higher and sacred, the sweet spot is when we realise the wild and holy intersection. Queen Anne's Lace brings us into sacred union with that which is animal and angel.
Last week my doula client came to visit and we took my doula baby for a walk for his nap, we walked around my village and took a route I've never gone before. We found ourselves in this magical field of Queen Anne's Lace. Her dream had come true.
The plant had drawn us to her.
We had known her in this life and many others.
Time folded on itself as it has done many times before.