The truth is when you're a woman, the veil is always thin

When you're a woman, the veil is always thin.

You may see lots of messages about the veil thinning this time of year, and it's true that we often feel the ancestors closer as the days become darker. But let us not forget that women are keepers of the mysteries and adept at dancing between the veils.

The whole year is a time for diving into the deep, for hearing the whispers of the foremothers, for following inner guidance that comes from many lives lived before.

Women are born with one foot on the spiritual plane and one on the earthly. The two planes meet within a woman's body that holds the mystery of life and death, the mysteries of the womb and the womb of the universe.

There is never a time when you are alone, there is never a time that you don't have countless invisible beings ready to blur the boundaries between physical and non physical to let you feel their presence.

This video was taken by my daughter in the Avalon marshes, as we walked the Neolithic trail that our ancestors made over 5000 years ago. The air felt heavy with spirits and memories.

I've added another date for my Motherline workshop next year for those of you that missed out. As an experienced women's healer and space holder for ten years now it is my delight to share this work with you.

Through my healing work I meet many grandmothers in the womb space, and I have a personal ongoing practice of inviting the dead to support my work initiatives and enrich my personal relationships. This will be a magical event.