The Annunciation

As spring is all around and I am replenishing my stocks of cleavers and nettle, I wanted to share my thoughts about the feast of the annunciation, when Our Lady is visited by an angel and asked if she will give birth to christ.

We are living in a love story. The wagtail that trills at you from the fence. The bee that moves from flower to flower, rejoicing in life’s return. The stream, full with spring rain, nourishing the soil. You, sat beneath one of your favourite trees and singing a new song you learned since you saw each other last. Each a serenade, a courtship, a devotion.

What if we were all the angels, telling the earth we love her, each in our own way?

A little poem came to me as I was walking home today

The Annunciation

The lord loves the lady so he sent her

A babbling brook

A buzzing bee

The singing birds

And then he sent me.