Cancer Full Moon

The cancer full moon

Was one of endless tears

As I gave birth to myself again.

An agonising leaping from the ovary

Of Moon Mother.

When the breath comes quick and the

Extremities are cold

My heart pounds and my third eye throbs

When I wonder if I will ever be "well"

In the way that the patriarchy wants me to be

Numb to my womanhood

In the way that I remember before my thermostat

For emotion broke free

Of the factory default settings they put in me

Once and for all.

Something that is so precious to me-

There is a man who can weather storms

And can steer a ship,


I spin and dance through the agony of my soul work

And I wonder again if I am too much, if I've crossed the line somehow and I just know

I was killed for something like this

Hundreds of years ago.

- Jenny Wren