Birth Is Supernatural

Birth is always daunting but not for the reason you might think.

Birth is a portal to enlightenment, the death of your old self. Standing on the precipice of birth and knowing it will demand almost more than you can give, but not quite. Knowing that you will be forever changed.

Jean-Yves Leloup says that humans are the bridge between animals and angels. Never is this more obvious than in sacred sexuality and in birth. A woman becomes purely instinctual, with the movement and sounds that she makes, while at the same time suspending her ego and becoming a portal for divine light.

Channelling God energy. Inhabiting your most primal animal self.

In this respect birth is supernatural, as we encompass the entire spectrum, as we roar and journey and commune with our baby, who is simultaneously every baby, while we are every mother there ever was.

We come from love and return to love.
