Talking with our dearly departed dead

Talking with our dearly departed dead

Yesterday I spoke with my friend Sally who has passed over. I often feel her presence near and when I saw my psychic a few weeks ago he noticed there was a new spirit with me, a woman whose name began with S. He said to me "she is one of us, her hair is big again, she is barefoot and dancing" and I burst into tears.

When she was living we only met in person once. The most beautiful, happy, fairy-like woman, an absolute ray of sunshine. She met Autumn-Violet in the womb. We stayed in touch and her messages would always reach my heart effortlessly. When I found out she had passed over I sobbed and sobbed and felt myself consumed by this huge grief.

Since then I have carried on talking to her, relationships never really end with passing, and yesterday a mama who I am currently on call for sent me a message that she suddenly wanted to make a Christmas cake, but she didn't even like it!

My relationship with this mother is very special to me, to watch her go through her pregnancy guided by the moon and the planets and her deep sense of what is right. I replied - have you ever heard of a groaning cake? Very similar to a Christmas cake.

It was traditionally made by a mother and her midwife when labour began. The smell was said to ease the sensations of labour. The cake would then be handed out in pieces at church.

It was a lightbulb moment. My client's deceased grandmother, who she had named her daughter after, was very holistic and naturally-minded. We both instantly knew that grandmother was close, was whispering her best advice in my client's ear as she prepared to birth her baby, as the birth portal was beginning to open.

Do you listen to the whispers of the dead?

Do you partake of their wisdom?