Girls just want to have fun.
One of my friends posted a meme earlier along the lines of - if you could tell your 15 year old self five words what would they be?
Through my head ran warnings, style advice, so many things that I could tell myself to change my life just a little but not too much, to make myself happier and more positive. Don't worry about exams, do your hair different, tell that person you like them? No.
I realised "you're allowed to have fun" was enough ❤
Even as a young girl I struggled giving myself permission to let go, to be free, to not feel like there was an angry person constantly over my shoulder telling me I wasn't working hard enough, I was going to end up pregnant, I was selfish, irresponsible. Call it Catholic guilt or whatever you like, but my inner critic was very big and very real. I let so many joys pass me by.
Or I took them guiltily and secretly and waited for my cosmic punishment.
Then I realised that this advice was perfect for me and for women everywhere right now. Patriarchy has convinced us we are made to toil and suffer and having fun makes us 'bad girls'.
I see women beating themselves up, martyring themselves, measuring their worth based on how much they give to others. You are already valuable because you are human. You were born to play, to sing, to dance and to have fun.
We have so much maiden wounding among women where we feel guilty and selfish for chasing what makes us feel good. After your bleed as you enter that playful, explorative mood, how can you heal, cast off the critic and learn to have fun again?