Oh wow, hello shadow work! This spread was a bit confrontational.
Can you feel the dynamic energy working at the moment? Veils are being lifted, people are showing their true nature, we are being asked to connect with our inner dark and light to bring a new and evolved consciousness moving forward.
The Devil is all about temptation... known as the "sex and drugs and rock and roll" card it's about our transformative gifts of sexuality and enlightenment being used in a bodily way, ultimately leading to frustration and disappointment and a craving for more and more, never feeling satisfied.
The Knight of Wands again can be a card related to sexuality, impulsivity and frustration, the fleeting nature of physical impulse.
The Two of Swords is telling us that we always have a choice, that we can take the blindfold of societal conditioning off, with pure heart and intention we can transcend just the body space and free ourselves to a higher level of loving and being with each other. We are pure beings of light :) ❤
How do you relate to the objects of your desires?
Are your intentions from a place of love?
How can you be more conscious of those you share your life and love with?
How can you use your energy for the collective good?