Birth Like “Elf"!

🎄Birth like "Elf"!🎄

I couldn't help but notice today the correlation between Christmas Spirit and oxytocin today as I was watching Elf with my family.

In the film they have to come together to sing carols to get Santa's sleigh to work. What caught me particularly is that the sleigh struggled to rise and crashed at certain points before the energy was high enough to make it properly fly.

This is just how the body works in labour - except instead of Christmas Spirit we have the love hormone! Your "Claus-o-meter" is how relaxed you feel which helps with labour progression.

In early labour oxytocin slowly rises, causing the uterus to contract, and can be inhibited by stress, bright lights and perceived threats. Medicalised birth settings and disruption can cause these stalls in labour.

When you get your oxytocin high enough with warmth, cosiness, loving feelings, orgasm, comfort and humour then you'll find that it builds in your body and then there is nothing stopping you from flying through! Just like in the film, a group of people coming harmoniously together to sing for you makes all the difference.

Find out more about how to boost your oxytocin and have a beautiful birth here:
