Why Antenatal Education Is Different With A Doula | Jenny Wren

It can be hard for pregnant women to know where to turn for, for support and unbiased information. Some women might be reluctant to attend group sessions, particularly if they’ve had a previous traumatic experience or could particularly benefit from one-to-one planning or support. I offer women private antenatal education as part of my services, so that they can benefit from having a doula without having me at the birth!

1.       We have been there and done it

There is a quote that I read one that said “Ask the doulas. They know the hospital culture.” And I think that is so true. Wherever you are planning to birth, in whichever trust, what a huge benefit to be able to talk to somebody who has worked in that environment or has liaised with senior midwives, who can signpost you in the right direction and let you know what to expect.

2.       We aren’t teaching a program

Although I love the antenatal classes such as Daisy Birthing, and would recommend them to everybody, there isn’t always much time for discussion of individual circumstances and specific planning. A doula can give you bespoke support tailored to YOU, to complement all your existing antenatal preparation. It also means that we provide you with the most recent material and studies on which to base your decisions.

3.       We don’t have an agenda

Unlike healthcare professionals, doulas do not have a set of guidelines to work to, we have a code of conduct. We are truly able to make you aware of your legal rights and support you unconditionally in whatever choice you make.

4.       We are available outside traditional working hours

Many doulas I know are there to answer those late night worries, we don’t have a set time (although some of us have working hours in our contracts!) That means whenever you need support, we will be there. Whether that is one to one or in the online support groups.

5.       We don’t tell you what to do

We won’t tell you which position to birth your baby in, we won’t tell you what things “should” feel like, we won’t tell you where to birth or how to feed, we are simply there to make sure you are informed and feel supported in your plans.

6.       We offer continuity of care

You can talk to us through your whole motherhood journey – pre-conception, early pregnancy, postnatally. For that familiar voice and presence you know and trust, you can count on your doula.

Many doulas I know are happy to offer a free initial chat before being booked for antenatal and/or birth support.

Feedback on my antenatal support:

“A wonderful, empowering and supportive lady. Always there to support choices and restore confidence when insecurities and anxieties creep in. She is refreshing, informative and never passes judgement. I could not have got through my pregnancy without this lady. I will always value what she brought me during a challenging but special time in my life. Thank you.”